ELTE Bárczi Gusztáv Faculty of Special Needs Education Faculty Library and Special Collection of the History of Special Needs Education
Regulations of Use of the Library, Appendix

Library fees

1. Enrolment

  • Full price: 4,000 HUF/academic year
  • Reduced price: 2,000 HUF/academic year
  • ELTE students after completion postponing state examination: 2,000 HUF/semester

2. Use of the Special Collections

  • ELTE students 500 HUF/day
  • Other readers 1,000 HUF/day

3. Reprography

  • Printing: 45 HUF/page

4. Replacement of lost library card

  • 500 HUF

5. Late fee

  • 60 HUF/book/day
  • 100 HUF/media document/day

6. Administrative fees

  • Administration of postage: valid postal rates + 200 HUF/occasion
  • Administration of replacement of lost documents: 2,000 HUF/occasion
  • Administration of recovering debts: 3,000 HUF

7. Collecting citations

  • Search fee: 50,000 HUF,
  • For BGGYK lecturers and researchers 15,000 HUF
  • Find fee with upload to MTMT: 500 HUF/find
  • For BGGYK lecturers and researchers 200 HUF/find