A diverse and multi-level training portfolio for social inclusion
The programme is available as an eight semester full-time or correspondence training programme with 240 credits for secondary school leavers. After a general introduction to special needs education and associated disciplines (including human biology, theory of education, psychology, arts) students continue their studies in one or two specialisations from their third semester. In the last semester of the programme students participate in a long-term professional practice in institutions associated with the given specialisation. Graduates of the Bachelor's degree programme begin their professional careers in public education institutions or in health care services, the child protection system, social care services, non-governmental organisations and institutions of the judicial system.
BA-Degree in SNE – Full-time Curriculum2025
The Master's degree (MA) programme in Special Needs EducationThe programme may be based on a Bachelor's degree in Special Needs Education in any specialisation or an earlier college-level diploma in special education obtained from any department, field or training programme of special needs education. The training programme is available as both a full-time or a correspondence course, lasts for three semesters and covers 90 credits. The training programme currently offers two popular specialisations for students, namely, Special Needs Therapy and The Social Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities. In addition to becoming a specialist in the domestic professional discipline, MA graduates are also qualified for employment abroad.
The Doctoral (PhD) programme in Special Needs EducationFor students interested in a scientific research career we provide additional learning opportunities in the Doctoral (PhD) programme in Special Needs Education operating within the Doctoral School of Education at the Faculty of Education and Psychology of Eötvös Loránd University. Successful completion of the six-semester training programme, achievement of a pass in the final examination and a defended doctoral thesis are the requirements for obtaining a PhD degree. The candidates conduct research in the fields of integration, rehabilitation, theory of special needs education and disability studies with particular regard to multidisciplinary approaches.
Postgraduate training programmesFor graduate professionals, we offer our two to four semester, 60-120 credit further training programmes providing students with new qualifications covering the full spectrum of complex rehabilitation. We develop and innovate accredited further training programmes for teachers and professionals in the social care field based on the relevant needs. Thus professionals benefitting from lifelong learning with us are able to adapt to the challenges of the ever-changing labour market.