Science workshops
Science workshops
The Faculty has a unique research and development activity in the field of special needs education. The research and development activity shows the diversity of the field of special education as a discipline that combines the disciplines. There are seven active disability research workshops at the Faculty.
Disability Studies Doctoral Workshop
The Disability Studies Doctoral Workshop (DSDW) aims to provide collaborative, attentive critical support for the professional and academic development of individual doctoral students.
György Könczei PhD DSc, Professor Emeritus
Current leaders:
Vanda Katona PhD, Associate Professor
Anikó Sándor PhD, Assistant Professor,
Emese Zagyi, PhD Student, Assistant Lecturer
Workshop members
Andor Csaba PhD, Bacsák Dániel Drs, Bányai Borbála PhD, Berzsenyi Emese PhD, Cserti-Szauer Csilla Drs, Czövek Andrea PhD, Fazekas-Vinkovits Ágnes Sarolta PhD, Flamich Mária PhD, dr. Gurbai Sándor PhD, Gyöngyösi Katalin Drs, Heiszer Katalin PhD, Hernádi Ilona PhD, dr. Hoffman István PhD DSc, Hoffmann Rita PhD, Horváth Péter László PhD, Horváth Zsuzsanna PhD, Jakab Nóra PhD habil, Katona Vanda PhD, Kemény Péter Drs, Kiss György Drs, Kolozsvári Csaba PhD, Kondor Zsuzsa PhD, Kovács Gábor Drs, Kunt Zsuzsanna PhD †, Lendvai Lilla PhD, Loványi Eszter PhD, dr. Maléth Anett Drs, Menyhárt Barbara Drs, dr. Mikola Orsolya PhD, Szentpétery-Nagy Melinda Drs, Nagyné Nyikes Natália Drs, Pappné Locskai Szilvia, Pintérné Sosity Beáta Drs, Rékasi Nikolett Drs, Sándor Anikó PhD, Soós Emese Drs, Svastics Carmen PhD, Tóth Adrienn Drs, Tóth Károly, Tóth Miklós PhD, Ureczky Eszter PhD, Vatány Szabolcs Drs, Vissi Tímea PhD, Zagyi Emese Drs
Areas of expertise
In addition to Disability Studies, doctoral dissertations in the DSDW are written in the following primary disciplines:
Social Policy
Social Work
Legal Studies
Educational Sciences
Special Education
Literary and Cultural Studies
History of Religion
Cognitive and Language Development Laboratory
Director: Klara Marton, Ph.D., Professor
Contact information:
Most research in this lab is project based; except for a few permanent members, our active participants change with each project.
Selected current projects of the Cognitive and Language Development Laboratory:
- MTA-ELTE: Language-Learning Disorders, Research Program for Public Education Development: Classification and Assessment of Language-learning Disorders/Differences & Intervention Training (CALLED IT); 2022-2026; Dr. Bence Kas, Dr. Klára Marton, Dr. Ágnes Varga, Mária Sósné Pintye, Alexandra Rohár
- Comparative research of cognitive profiles across groups with different cognitive-linguistic performance (developmental language disorder, aphasia, bi-miltilingual children and adults) – international collaboration: ELTE BGGYK, CUNY Graduate Center, New York, Bar Ilan University, Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel. Masters’ and doctoral students participate in this research in all three countries.
- Multilingual vocabulary test - Cross-linguistic Lexical Tasks: research is focusing on the validation of the Hungarian version of the test, in collaboration with over 40 other universities.
- The effect of bilingualism on cognitive processes – research in international collaboration: ELTE BGGYK, CUNY Graduate Center, New York, Bar Ilan University, Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel. We examine the effects of cultural and linguistic variations on cognitive performance in bilingual children and adults. Masters’ and doctoral students participate in this research in all three countries.
Previously completed projects (selection):
- We examined the cognitive control functions behind language comprehension, specifically inhibitory functions and working memory along the lifespan in different populations (developmental language disorder, stuttering, autism spectrum disorder, ADHD). This research was carried out by researchers and doctoral students from four universities: ELTE, Bárczi Gusztáv Faculty of Special Needs Education; Institute of Psychology, Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church; PhD. Program in Speech-Language-Hearing Sciences, CUNY, Graduate Center; and Faculté de Traduction et D’Interprétation Université de Genève, Switzerland.
- Special issue of the Psychologia Hungarica Caroliensis journal, in which we discussed in seven different chapters the role and the characteristics of executive control functions in the development of typical and atypical groups.
- Researchers and clinical educators from different Hungarian universities met monthly in 2008-2009 to discuss the relationship between language and cognition. As a result, we published the following book: Marton, K. (Ed.) Assessment and intervention in neurocognitive disorders. Examples from Evidence Based Practice, (2009), Eotvos Kiado, Budapest (in Hungarian). Authors: Fazekasné Fenyvesi, M., Gereben, K., Jászberényi, M., Józsa, K., Kas, B., Koszonyiné Jancsó, I., Lőrik, J., Marton, I., Marton, K, Mészáros, A., Mlinkó, R., Radványi, K., Zsoldos, M.