Institute for General Theory of Special Needs Education
Education portfolio
We provide a wide range of courses, including a number of multidisciplinary approaches while putting national and international disability policies and standards into practice. We focus on the following areas:
- General theory of special needs education: theories, history, institutions and services
- General pedagogical knowledge: education and the theory of education
- Art education, therapy and intervention: visual expression, skill development and therapies, crafts, drama and drama therapy, drama education, movement and body-awareness therapies, music and music therapy
- Languages for specific purposes: literature in English and German, international best practices of disability affairs, politically correct language
- Introduction to disability policy and advocacy: law enforcement, law education, advocacy and lobbying, project drafting and project management.
Research activities
In line with evidence-based education we support our broad educational activities with individual and institutional research. At an international level we currently participate in research and curriculum-development on supported living and we have recently concluded projects in the topics of creative therapy for substance abuse and the European situation of young migrants. Our domestic research include the parenthood of persons with intellectual disability and service provision for persons with severe/profound and multiple disabilities, as well as the situation of women in the labour market raising children with special needs. Doctoral research studies include the following: inclusive education in nursery schools; the role of the school and parents in successful inclusion; visual art education and art therapy; psychodynamic movement and dance therapy; career guidance; persons with disabilities entering adulthood; the subculture of blind people. Future plans include the introduction of the Art-Based Research Working Group at an international level.
In recent years we have been privileged to work with the ‘Megálló Csoport’ Foundation for Substance Users, the European Association Dance Movement Therapy, the National Association of Teachers and Researchers of Languages for Specific Purposes, the Equal Opportunities of Persons with Disabilities Non-profit Ltd., the Tempus Public Foundation, several national and international non-governmental organizations, as well as several universities.
Phone: (+ 36-1) 358-5590