People with Visual Impairment

The BA programme on the special pedagogy and re/habilitation of children and adults with blindness, visual impairment or multiple disabilities and visual impairment provides students with a complex knowledge of the assessment, education, re/habilitation and lifelong support of those with visual impairment.
During the BA programme, students acquire knowledge in the following areas of theory and practice:
- different special needs of people with visual impairment, of different ages and social backgrounds,
- scientific and methodological knowledge necessary for developing the cognitive, personal and social competences of people with visual impairment,
- the different international definitions of visual impairment, its pedagogical and functional classification.
- age-specific causes, prevalence and changes in incidence of visual impairment inside and outside Hungary,
- functional implications of eye diseases, congenital and acquired visual impairment,
- options for and availability of modern medical treatments and optical corrections,
- functional and pedagogical vision assessment, its procedures, methods and tools at different ages,
- modern optical and electronic devices for vision correction and their availability,
- complex psychological and social effects of visual impairment on the person and the person’s family,
- psychodiagnostic methods and tools developed for the assessment and support of people with visual impairment,
- institutions of education, care and rehabilitation for, children and adults with visual impairment,
- legislation, national and international documents relating to the early intervention and support, pre-school education, school education and lifelong education, and re/habilitation of individuals with visual impairment
- up-to-date, comprehensive and specialised knowledge of the specific needs of people with multiple disabilities and visual impairments, the areas, methods and tools of their development, education and training, and therapeutic procedures,
- design of the individual development plan and the steps involved in drawing it up,
- education of students with visual impairment in mainstream schools and in inclusive settings,
- environmental adaptation, the principle of equal access and its specific application supporting individuals with visual impairment, and the specific tools of ICT accessibility.