Using Technology to Improve the Lives of Individuals with Autism (ASD)

Using Technology to Improve the Lives of Individuals with Autism (ASD)

17. February 2022. 14:00

Ms Teams


2022. February 17. 14:00 -

Ms Teams

The HAS-ELTE 'Autism in Education' Research Group (MASZK), the Insitute for the Psychology of Special Needs (GYOPSZI) and the Institute of Special Needs Education for People with Atypical Behaviour and Cognition (ATIVIK) cordially invites you to a talk on Using Technology to Improve the Lives of Individuals with Autism (ASD) by Dr. Ryan O Kellems (Fulbright scholar at ELTE; Brigham Young University, Utah, USA).

Talk outline

Technology has shown great promise in assisting individuals with autism to reach their full potential.  This presentation will discuss different ways technology can be used to improve outcomes for individuals with Autism.  Specific technologies to be discussed will include video modeling, live animation augmented/virtual reality and different mobile apps.  Dr. Kellems will provide real world examples of how each technology has been used from his years of research in each area.

On Dr. Kellems

Dr. Ryan Kellems is currently an associate professor and Fulbright Scholar at the Institute for the Psychology of Special Needs at ELTE University. He is also an associate professor in the Counseling Psychology and Special Education department at Brigham Young University in the United States. His primary research interests are the education of individuals with disabilities, augmented and virtual realities, assistive technology, and working with young adults with autism in community-based vocational settings. One of Dr. Kellems areas of expertise is using the latest technology to assist students with disabilities as they transition to life after school. Priorto completing his doctoral degree Dr. Kellems was a secondary school teacher where he worked in both rural and urban settings as a special education and Social Studies teacher.

The talk will be held online, you can join in via this link: Microsoft Teams Meeting