About The Library

About The Library




The Library of the Bárczi Gusztáv Faculty of Special Needs Education of Eötvös Loránd University is the only dedicated library on Special Needs Education in Hungary. The Library collects and provides scientific literature on Special Needs Education according to the needs of teaching and research within the Faculty.

The legal predecessor of the Faculty, the Teacher Training School of Special Needs Education, first opened its doors in 1900. The Institute adopted the name of Gusztáv Bárczi, the world-famous doctor and special needs teacher, in 1975.

The history of the Library can be traced back to 1942, when it had a collection of 3,600 documents, which has been increasing ever since. In 1993, our Library became the first reference site of the integrated library system Voyager in Hungary. In 2000, when the Bárczi Gusztáv College of Teacher Training for Special Needs Education became a faculty of Eötvös Loránd University, our Library joined the library network of the University. 

In 2009, the University Library Service (EKSZ) was established, the member libraries of which perform their duties in cooperation with each other. As a member library of EKSZ, our Library formulated its mission and vision together with partner libraries, with reference to EKSZ as a whole. In order to maintain and improve the standards of our performance, we have introduced a joint quality management system with other member libraries.

Our modern Library is currently available with a collection of over 80,000 documents, a circulation section, a reading room with seating for 70 readers, and 17 computers. 

For the special needs of visually impaired readers, the Library is equipped with a ‘speaking computer’ and a video magnifier. 

Library staff

Bergmann Krisztina

Németh Anna
Sot Ferenc
Rözge Regős
Számadó Zsuzsanna
Geréné Várkonyi Mária