Jelizaveta Getta at Bárczi

Jelizaveta Getta, one of the central international coordinators at Charles University in Prague, visited ELTE from 6-8 December 2023.
On the first day of the professional meeting, she had the opportunity to meet the international coordinators of the Faculty of Economics and the Faculty of Humanities and to get an insight into the daily work of the Disability Center (SHÜTI). On Thursday, Liza was hosted by Bárczi: Eszter Márkus (Associate Dean of Education) gave an introduction to the long history of our faculty and the structure of our courses, then she had a discussion with Gréta Kövecses (Erasmus+ Coordinator) about future possibilities of joint international cooperations.
On the last day of her visit, Krisztina Milovszky (International Coordinator) presented part of the ELTE Central International Office at the Department of Erasmus+ and International Programmes, then finished her visit with a meeting with the International Office of the Faculty of Law and Political Sciences.