Special collections

Special collections

1. Theses and dissertations 

Theses are for reference only, and may not be borrowed. The special collection of theses may be used upon paying a fee (with the number of theses accessed per occasion unrestricted).

Theses of digital format (submitted after 2010) are accessible in EDIT (Digital Collection of ELTE) only on dedicated computers in the Library.

Theses of paper format (submitted before 2010) may be requested with a call card at the readers’ service counter (with a maximum of 5 theses at a time). Requests are made with the shelf mark of the thesis, that is, a letter D followed by a number in the catalogue (https://opac.elte.hu/).
The special collection of theses is under strict protection of copyright. Any copy of parts of theses is prohibited. 

2. Old archive collection 

This is a special collection of documents on Special Needs Education before 1960. Most of the items of the collection are more than 100 years old. The collection is reserved mainly for lecturers and researchers of the BGGYK Faculty. Other researchers may access the old archive collection with a certification of research from their institute.

Items of this collection with the library catalogue status Locally accessible may be requested with a call card at the readers’ service counter.

Some documents of this collection are digitalised. Our readers can access these digitalised copies free of charge. 

New digital copies of old archive documents may be requested with a call card at the readers’ service counter. 

3. New archive collection 

This special collection preserves material published by lecturers of BGGYK Faculty and other documents on Special Needs Education after 1960.

Items of this collection with the library catalogue status Locally accessible may be requested with a call card at the readers’ service counter.

Items of the new archive collection may be copied freely with the exception of dissertations.

All special collections may be accessed upon paying a fee.

For user charges see Library fees